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The basic format of CNC lathe programming and matters needing attention

2023-07-19 09:19:30

CNC lathe before programming

First of all, we must understand the basic format of the program segment, the format, function and use of common instructions, in fact, the basic processing instructions are not much, such as G00, G01, G02, G03 and so on;

Secondly, it is necessary to determine the processing route, and try to mark the coordinate value of the points on the route, so that it is not easy to travel when programming;

Then write the program.

The general steps of program writing are summarized as follows: program number - program content - program end.

The content of a program usually consists of three parts:

(a) preparation stage: the establishment of the workpiece coordinate system (must be written when absolute programming)- select the tool - spindle rotation - rapid positioning (positioning to a few millimeters close to the workpiece);

(2) Processing stage: Prepare according to specific processing requirements;

(3) The end stage: the tool quickly returns (generally back to the starting tool point)- cancels the tool data compensation.


If it is multi-tool processing, the processing process of each tool repeats the above three stages.

You have to be familiar with these steps of programming and then adapt to the changes.

For the complex shape of the workpiece (bar), usually need more tools to complete the processing, programming first analyze the process, determine the fixture, the tool and its processing route, write a tool processing content when writing the program, and then consider the processing of another tool, so programming will be easier.

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Tel: 0757-88583990


Add: No.5 Xingwang Road, Lianxing Wangbian Industrial Zone, Luo Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City

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